Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN):
The manufacturer’s Vehicle Identification Number is required on all motor vehicles 1949 and after and for all Ford vehicles manufactured after March 31, 1932. For motor vehicles manufactured before 1949 and Ford vehicles prior to March 31, 1932, the motor number (die stamped on the motor block) is required.
The Department of Motor Vehicles issues Assigned ID’s for the following:
- Assembled Vehicles
- Assembled Classic Vehicles
- Replacement VIN (for vehicles where the VIN has been destroyed, obliterated or is missing)
- Homemade trailers
Hull Identification Numbers (HIN):
All motorboats are required to have a 12 digit Hull Identification Number that conforms with the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1972.
The Department of Motor Vehicles issues Assigned IDs for the following:
- Homemade motorboats (title will be a Bonded Motorboat Certificate of Title)
- Motorboats that do not have the required 12 digit Hull Identification Number
Apply for an Assigned ID Number
You must submit the following:
- An
Application for Assigned ID Number, completed in full. The name on the application must match the name on the Sheriff’s Inspection and the address of the applicant must be a Nebraska address;
- A Sheriff’s Inspection must accompany the application for all motor vehicles, including motorcycles and trailers. Motorboats are exempt from Sheriff’s Inspection;
- Photocopies of all documents proving ownership of the motor vehicle or motorboat (additional information or documentation may be required);
- $20.00 fee.
Upon approval the identification plates are mailed directly to the the Assigned ID Number applicant, along with instructions for the appropriate placement of the VIN plate on the motor vehicle or the HIN plate on the boat and an Affidavit. The Affidavit must be signed and presented to the County Treasurer, at time of application for title, attesting to the fact the VIN or HIN plate has been affixed to the motor vehicle or motorboat in the required manner.
Instructions for proper placement of a VIN may be reviewed at Assigned ID Number Placement Instructions - VIN
Instructions for proper placement of HIN may be reviewed Assigned ID Number Placement Instructions - HIN
Questions regarding Assigned ID Numbers may be addressed by email or by phone at (402) 471-3918.