A School Permit (SCP) can be issued if such person resides outside a city of 5,000 or more or attends a school outside a city of 5,000 or more.
A person holding a School Permit may operate a motor vehicle:
- Unsupervised to and from where he or she attends school and between schools of enrollment over the most direct and accessible route by the nearest highway from his or her place of residence to transport such person or any family member who resides with such person to attend duly scheduled courses of instruction and extracurricular or school-related activities at the school he or she attends; or
- Anytime when accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old. Motorcyclists must be accompanied by a licensed motorcycle operator who is within visual contact and at least 21 years old.
When can I apply for a School Permit?
You must have an School Learner's Permit (LPE) or Learner's Permit (LPD) permit for 2 months prior to applying for a school permit. Minimum age 14 years and 2 months, but must be younger than 16 years and three months of age to be issued.
You must reside outside a city of 5,000 or attend a school outside a city of 5,000 or more.
All persons being transported in a motor vehicle operated by a holder of a school permit are required to ride secured in an occupant protection system.
Prior to making application for a SCP, individual must do one of the following:
- Successfully complete a DMV approved driver safety course and pass a written and driving test given by the driver safety course instructor, OR
- Present to the Driver Licensing Staff a
50 Hour Certification form signed by a parent, guardian or licensed driver who is at least 21 years old. The 50 Hour Certification form must be obtained from the DMV and must indicate that at least 10 hours of motor vehicle operation was between sunset and sunrise.
When applying for your School Permit you must bring the following documentation to the DMV:
- One form of primary identification
- Two documents to verify residential address
- See a full list of acceptable items: Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles Identification/Address/Social Security Verification
- The written and drive test will be waived if the applicant has completed a DMV approved driver safety course. Individuals will be given a paper waiver form by the School if they were not age eligible to have a school learners permit (LPE) issued by the DMV when they took the course. Schools transmit all other course completion results electronically to the DMV. Individuals, who had a school learner’s permit when taking the course and who meet all eligibility requirements may go online to obtain their school permit. They can also visit any driver licensing office to do so. Individuals who were not age eligible to have a school learner’s permit when taking the course will be required to make application for the school permit and present their paper waiver form to any driver licensing examiner.
- Individuals presenting a 50 hour certification form: vision and drive tests required, written test will be waived if individual has been issued a School Learners Permit (LPE) or learner’s permit (LPD) that is valid or expired for no more than one year.
- Individuals applying for a motorcycle endorsement or Class M SCP with approved motorcycle safety course completion card: vision test.
- Individuals applying for a motorcycle endorsement without approved motorcycle safety course completion card: vision, motorcycle written and motorcycle drive tests. Written test will be waived if individual has been issued a school learner’s permit (LPE) or learner’s permit (LPD) that is valid or expired for no more than one year. LPE or LPD must be Class M or Class O with motorcycle endorsement on it. No 50 hour certification form will be required.
- Individuals applying for a Class M SCP without approved motorcycle safety course completion card: vision, motorcycle written and motorcycle drive tests. Written test will be waived if individual has been issued a School Learner’s Permit (LPE) or learner’s permit (LPD) that is valid or expired for no more than one year. LPE or LPD must be Class M or Class O with motorcycle endorsement on it. The 50 hour certification form will be required.
Can I go online to obtain my school permit?
You can obtain a School Permit (SCP) online if you:
- Have held a School Learner's Permit, Learner's Permit or combination for at least two months,
- Completed a DMV-approved driver safety course
- Are at least 14 years and two months old and under age 16 years and 3 months old and
- Meet eligibility requirements for a School Permit.
The SCP expires when the individual is 16 years and three months of age.
- You may request a replacement/renewal in person at any Driver Licensing Office.
- If changing your address is part of the renewal, you will need to present two forms of address verification.
Where can I operate a motor vehicle once I have a school permit?
- Unsupervised to and from where you attend school and between schools of enrollment over the most direct and accessible route by the nearest highway from your place of residence to transport such person or any family member who resides with such person to attend duly scheduled courses of instructions and extracurricular or school-related activities at the school you attend; or
- Any time when accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old.
School Permit (SCP) Fees
Type of Document | Fee | Security Surcharge | Total |
Original | $8.00 | $5.00 | $13.00 |
Replacement | $11.00 | $5.00 | $16.00 |
Change of class, endorsement or restriction | $5.00 | $5.00 | $10.00 |