Checkbox icon No Proof of Insurance Conviction


Your operator’s license and/or operating privileges will be automatically suspended when you have been convicted/found guilty of a citation for No Proof of Insurance. Citations for No Proof of Insurance are given to the owner of the vehicle – therefore:

If you did not own the vehicle you were driving, DO NOT plead guilty to the ticket.



If you were unable to produce a current and effective automobile liability policy, evidence of insurance or proof of financial responsibility upon request of the law enforcement officer, and you actually had insurance coverage - you can provide this office with the following:

  1. Submit a photocopy of the citation you were issued (if you no longer have the citation in your possession - you will need to contact the court of jurisdiction to obtain a copy from their files).
  2. If there was liability insurance in effect on the vehicle when the ticket was issued, have your insurance company provide this office with a letter of verification. This letter must be on the insurance company’s (or agency’s) letterhead and be signed by an authorized representative of the company (including the title of the position they hold with the company). The letter will need to include all the information that would be on the insurance card, and it must state you were covered with liability insurance when the citation was issued. (Your company/agent can complete an interactive Letter of Verification on our website.)

Upon receipt of these documents – the Department of Motor Vehicles will review the file and possibly remove the suspension from your record.


Reinstatement Requirements

If you were not insured on the date of citation, you will need to submit the following requirements to the Department of Motor Vehicles, 301 Centennial Mall South, P.O. Box 94877, Lincoln, NE 68509-4877:

NOTE: Requirements cannot be submitted to your local Driver License Exam Station

  1. File proof of financial responsibility, which is to remain on file at the Nebraska DMV for three (3) years from the date of the citation/violation – regardless of your state of residence. This is normally provided in the form of a SR-22 Certificate of Insurance - which must be submitted for each vehicle registered in your name. Failure to comply with this requirement would result in the suspension of the operating privileges for an Insurance CancellationThe SR-22 cannot be faxed.
  2. Pay a $50.00 reinstatement fee which can be paid online with a debit or credit card (an additional $3.00 fee will be assessed at time of payment). OR submit a cashier’s check or money order made payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles - include identifying information (i.e. name, date of birth, license or social security number and current mailing address). Payment submitted by personal or business checks and checks not equaling the amount due will be returned. If reinstated and it is determined fee was not needed, you will need to file claim with the STATE CLAIMS BOARD (this process can take up to one year).