Car icon Mobile/Manufactured Homes

Every owner of a mobile/maufactured home (including Park Model homes) is required to obtain a Nebraska Certificate of Title prior to affixing the home to real estate.

If a mobile/manufactured home has been affixed to real estate and a Nebraska Certificate of Title was not issued before it was affixed, the owner shall apply for and be issued a Certifiate of title at any time for the sole purpose of surrendering such title for cancellation.


Certificate of Title Cancellation - Real Estate

If you own a mobile/manufactured home, which has a Certificate of Title, that is affixed (meaning the wheels, towing hitches and running gear are removed and it is permanently attached to a foundation or other support system) to real property in which you have any ownership interest (meaning the fee simple interest in real estate or an interest as the lessee under a lease of the real property that has a term that continues for at least twenty (20) years after the recording of the affidavit), the Certificate of Title may be surrendered to the County Treasurer where the real property is located along with an  Affidavit of Affixture for a Mobile Home with a Nebraska Certificate of Title for cancellation.

If the Department of Motor Vehicles issued the Certificate of Title, the Affidavit of Affixture for a Mobile Home with a Nebraska Certificate of Title will be filed at the Department.

Along with the Certificate of Title, you must submit the following:

  • A completed Affidavit of Affixture for a Mobile Home with a Nebraska Certificate of Title. The Affidavit must be completed in whole with the correct and complete real estate legal description. All owners of the mobile/manufactured home and real estate must be listed. All owners of the mobile/manufactured home must sign and their signatures must be notarized. If there are more than two owners, an additional Affidavit must be attached
  • Written permission for release of the lien and cancellation of the Certificate of Title from each lienholder duly noted on the Certificate of Title
  • The appropriate fee. The fees are $10.00 for the first page and $6.00 for each additional page

If the mobile/manufactured home has two vehicle identification numbers (two MSO's were provided when new), two Affidavits and two Certificates of Title shall be submitted.

If the Certificate(s) of Title has been lost, you must obtain a duplicate title and submit that along with the Affidavit.

Upon receipt of the Affidavit and Certificate of Title, the County Motor Vehicle Office or DMV will:

  • Cancel any liens of record on the Vehicle Title and Registration system; and
  • Forward copies of the Affidavit to
    • Department of Motor Vehicles
    • Each of the financial institutions listed on the Affidavit (as notice of cancellation); and
    • Person/entity submitting the Affidavit

Upon receipt of a copy of the Affidavit, the DMV will enter a “Cancelled – Real Estate” status onto the title record. This status will prevent the issuance of any duplicate or corrected titles. A subsequent new title will be allowed only upon presentation of an Affidavit of Detachment for a Mobile Home.

Once the affidavit has been filed with the County Motor Vehicle Office or DMV, the owner of the mobile/manufactured home may convey ownership only as a part of the real estate to which it is affixed.

If the owner of a mobile home does not currently hold a Certificate of Title, and cannot produce the proper evidence of ownership for issuance of a Certificate of Title, he/she may apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles for a Bonded Certificate of Title and upon issuance of the Bonded Certificate of Title the owner may surrender it to the Department of Motor Vehicles with an Affidavit of Affixture for a Mobile Home with a Nebraska Certificate of Title for cancellation.


Detachment of Mobile/Manufactured Home from Real Estate

The current owner of a mobile/manufactured home shall not detach it from real estate before a Certificate of Title has been issued.

If the vehicle record has a status of “Cancelled – Real Estate”, before making application for a Certificate of Title an Affidavit of Detachment for a Mobile Home must be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in the county where the Affidavit of Affixture for a Mobile Home with a Nebraska Certificate of Title was originally recorded.

The Register of Deeds will collect the appropriate fee from you for the filing of the Affidavit. The fees are $10.00 for the first page and $6.00 for each additional page.

The Register of Deeds will provide a recorded copy of the submitted Affidavit to the County Motor Vehicle Office in your county. Photocopies will also be provided to you.

The County Motor Vehicle Office will need to be in receipt of a photocopy of the recorded Affidavit prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Title.

The recorded copy of the Affidavit of Detachment, forwarded by the Register of Deeds, may be used by the County Motor Vehicle Office as proof of ownership for issuance of the new Nebraska Certificate of Title when submitted with an Application for Certificate of Title.

If a Certificate of Title is issued, the mobile/manufactured home is no longer considered part of the real property and any lien shall be perfected against the Certificate of Title and the owner may convey ownership only by way of a Certificate of Title.


Questions regarding Mobile/Manufactured Homes may be addressed by email or by phone at (402) 471-3918.