Latest Information on Driver Licensing Services (updated 9/3/20 at 3:10pm)
Services are split between the State DMV and counties. Save yourself any frustration by contacting the right team. County contact information can be found here.
Executive Orders
- All drivers aged 72 and older whose license has expired, or is due to expire between March 1 and December 31, 2020, will have their license automatically extended for one year from the date of expiration printed on the license. A copy of the executive order can be found here.
- A list of frequently asked questions on this executive order can be found
- A list of frequently asked questions on this executive order can be found
Service Arrangements in Lancaster County
- New car titling and registration renewals may only be completed at the 625 N. 46th Street office. The drive-thru window will be open for registration renewals only.
- Driver licensing services will only be provided at the 500 West 'O' Street location.