Car icon Gold Star Family Plates

To request Gold Star Family license plates, the applicant must be eligible for, and enrolled in, the Nebraska Veteran's Registry through the Nebraska Department of Veteran's Affairs and had one of the following relationships with a person who died while in good standing on active duty in the military service of the United States:

  • A surviving spouse - whether remarried or not
  • An ancestor - including a stepparent
  • A descendent - including a stepchild
  • A foster parent or a person in loco parentis
  • A sibling

Once enrolled in the Nebraska Veteran's Registry, you may order Gold Star Family license plates online.

Gold Star Message Plates - $40.00*

These plates may be personalized with an available message of your choice. Available to motor vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, semitrailers and cabin trailers.

The distribution of the $40.00 fee is as follows:

  • 75% ($30.00) to the Veteran Cemetery Cash Fund
  • 25% ($10.00) to the DMV Cash Fund

Gold Star Numeric Plates - No Fee

These plates are also available in a numeric format. They are numbered and issued in consecutive numeric order in the order in which the applications are received. Requests for specific numbers cannot be processed.  The plates are available to motor vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, semitrailers and cabin trailers


*$40.00 fee is due at the time of initial application and must be renewed annually. The plates are renewed in the month of the vehicle's registration renewal.

There is no limit to the number of vehicles owned by an eligible family member that may be registered with Gold Star plates.

We cannot honor a change of plate and or message choice or request for refund after the application has been processed.

Please allow at least 4 - 5 weeks for the plates to arrive at your County Treasurer Motor Vehicle Office.


Apply for Gold Star Family Plates

In lieu of ordering online, a completed application may be submitted to:

Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles
Driver and Vehicle Records Division
PO Box 94789
Lincoln, NE 68509-4789

In lieu of ordering online, a completed application may be submitted to:






Questions regarding Gold Star Family License Plates maybe addressed to email or by contacting this office at 402.471.3918.