Car icon Obtaining a Vehicle Record

History records which contain Nebraska only data are not available from the DMV unless the record requested is for use in connection with a proceeding in any federal, state, or local court, government agency, or self-regulatory body.

Information on obtaining a motor vehicle history report, multi-state or Nebraska, for all other purposes is available through the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System.


Information appearing on a motor vehicle record

  • Vehicle Information:
    • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for a motor vehicle;
    • Hull Identification Number (HIN) for a motorboat;
    • Year;
    • Make;
    • Model;
    • Color.
  • Title Information:
    • Title number;
    • County of issuance;
    • Vehicle Acquisition date;
    • Title issuance date;
    • Odometer reading at the time of title issuance;
      • “A” indicates actual mileage;
      • “Not Actual” indicates odometer repair that prohibits a return to actual mileage status;
      • “E” indicates that the mileage exceeds the mechanical limits of the vehicle's odometer;
      • “Exempt” indicates that the vehicle is ten years old or older and it is exempt from odometer certification.
  • Lien Information (if applicable):
    • Lien notation number;
    • Date of notation;
    • County in which the lien was noted;
    • Name and address of lienholder.
  • Registration Information (if applicable):
    • Plate number;
    • County in which vehicle is registered;
    • Date registration was issued;
    • Date registration expires;
    • Plate type code;
    • Plate series – new license plates are issued every six years in Nebraska. 2017 is a new plate year so plates issued in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 will be in the 2017 plate series.  The last plate series was 2011 and includes license plates issued in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

How to complete an Application for Copy of Vehicle Record

To obtain a vehicle record, you must submit an  Application for Copy of Vehicle Record to this office. The application must be completed in full and must be submitted with the appropriate $1.00 fee for each record requested.

Businesses and individuals wishing to obtain more than one vehicle record, and whose reason for requesting the records of individuals other than themselves meets one of the appropriate exempted uses defined in the Act, may attach a list with the required information for each record requested to an  Application for More Than One Vehicle Record and submit it along with the appropriate $1.00 fee for each record requested. (Note: The listing attached to the application is retained by the DMV.)

Businesses that submit frequent requests for vehicle records may wish to consider receiving these records electronically. Specific information regarding this method of receiving records may be obtained by visiting or contacting:
301 South 13 th Street, Suite 301
Lincoln, NE 68508-2593
(402) 471-7810

Information required for completion of Application for Copy of Vehicle Record

One or more of the following methods of identification must be provided (please remember the more information you provide the better the chances of locating the record):

  • License plate number;
  • Motor number;
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) if request is for a vehicle;
  • Hull Identification Number (HIN) if request is for a motorboat;
  • Name(s) of the vehicle owner(s);
  • Vehicle make;
  • Vehicle model;
  • Vehicle year.

All of the following must be provided:

  • The specific reason for the record request. This reason MUST be one of the Exempted Uses listed on the back of the application form;
  • Full name of the person requesting the record;
  • Business name if applicable;
  • Complete address of the person requesting the record;
  • The signature of the person requesting the record:
    • If the request is submitted through the mail, the signature of the individual requesting the record MUST be notarized in Box 1 at the bottom of the application;
    • If the request is submitted in person at the DMV office, you must be prepared to produce proof of identification.
    • If the request is submitted by an individual on behalf of the record holder, the name, address and signature of the individual submitting the request should be used on the application. The record holder must then complete the section authorizing the individual to obtain the record. The record holder's signature must be notarized in Box 2.
  • Date the request is signed.

Once the application is completed in full, it should be submitted to this office along with the appropriate fee ($1.00 per record requested, payable by U.S. funds). If the request is submitted by mail, please be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope.


Questions regarding Motor Vehicle Record Requests may be addressed by email or by phone at (402) 471-3918.